Beckloff Behavioral Health Center

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(972) 250 1700

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17101 Preston Road, Suite 110

Dallas, TX 75248

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Autism Spectrum Assessment


Autism Spectrum Test For Dallas, TX

Beckloff Behavioral Health Center provides psychological evaluation and testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder. BBHC is dedicated to helping you and your child through the evaluation and diagnosis processes, as well as providing resources to learn more about raising a child or living with autism. 

If you believe your child is autistic or is showing signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder, contact us today and we will discuss our evaluation process with you. Our office is located in Dallas, TX, and you can call or visit us today.

  • A boy covering his ears


What Is Autism Spectrum?

Autism Spectrum Disorder, also referred to as ASD, is a developmental condition of the brain that often results in challenges with social interactions and communication. Children and adults with ASD are also often known to have limited interests and display repetitive behavior, with a need for routine. Autism is often diagnosed in children, ages 3 and up, but can also be diagnosed later in adults.

Living with autism can present many challenges in school, at work, and in yours and your child’s daily life. Contact us today for Autism Spectrum assessment services.

What Are Characteristics Of Autism?

Autism can present itself in many ways. However, there are multiple signs that could indicate that your child may have ASD, including:

  • Difficulty with Social Interaction: Children and adults diagnosed with autism often struggle to maintain eye contact during conversation, interact with other children, and express emotion in their facial expressions.
  • Displays Repetitive Behaviors: Children and adults who may have autism might also display types of repetitive behaviors and often have to maintain a strict routine. These types of behaviors can be found in lining up or playing with toys a certain way, becoming upset over minor changes in their routine, and displaying certain body movements to regulate their emotions.
  • Having Limited Interests: Those diagnosed with autism will also tend to display a hyper fixation on specific topics or interests, such as animals or cars, for example. 

Other symptoms of autism may include having a limited list of foods they are willing to eat, reacting differently to certain tastes, sounds and/or textures, among other potential characteristics.

Contact Us To Schedule An Assessment!

Beckloff Behavioral Health Center in Dallas, TX is here to provide you and your family with the help and assessment services you need. We can help be the starting point in the diagnostic process by performing an autism spectrum assessment. This will help us and you to gain a better understanding of what your child is experiencing, feeling, and thinking. Contact us today to schedule an autism spectrum test, or ask about our other assessment services.

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